
By using this site, you indicate that you accept these terms and conditions and that you agree to abide by them.

100% money-back guarantee is applicable if

  1. You don’t like any initial designs.
  2. You don’t receive initial designs to review within the time mentioned on the website. (Sat-Sun are non-working days so if you place your order on these days, your order will be processed from Monday).

If the terms mentioned above applicable you can simply ask for a refund.

100% money-back guarantee is not applicable if

  1. You request modifications or more designs to choose from.
  2. You don’t provide your feedback on designs in 5 days.
  3. You order any package, service which costs more than $100, I’ll only refund 50% of that package, service.

If the terms mentioned above applicable you can’t ask for a refund and the price will be charged as “Time spent on the job”.

Refund time-frame

  1. There is a 30 days money-back guarantee, In case of refund, It may take 15-30 days to reach the amount back to your account.

Deliverable Files

Mostly you will get all deliverable files as mentioned with packages. However, if you are ordering a logo you probably not get completely black, complete white logo files if

  1. The design is more complex or detailed. For example, if the logo includes lots of colors to pop it out then it’s not possible to make it completely white, completely black.


This website doesn’t ask/store any credit/debit card information, I accept payments via PayPal, PayPal website can ask for your credit/debit card information. BarwalDesigns is not responsible for any mishappening or misuse of this information.

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